BASiCs Youth Athlete Program

2-days per week

Based on body weight only exercises, this twice per week program requires only a broomstick. The aim is to familiarise with the basic movement patterns underpinning athletic performance. This program can be performed at home, or before training. Although presented here as 2-days/week, it can be done everyday.

3-days per week

The young athlete this program was designed for had a broomstick, Swiss ball, agility ladder and skipping rope. The program has three different days and mixes traditional strength exercises performed with the broomstick, with skipping or their choice of sport skill (in this case, soccer skills).

4-days per week

The 3-days/week program redesigned over 4 days, with a rest day on Wednesday.

Each program below includes a warm-up, mobility exercise, movement check-up, circuit and stretching. Click to download a pdf file of examples of simple home programs for viewing. If you want access to advice, programming or coaching for your child from an experienced S&C coach and parent, contact me at,

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